Your membership will be automatically renewed. You can opt out of auto-renewal at any time. If you have not opted out, then the membership will be auto-renewed for the periods stated.
You can cancel auto-renewal by clicking here, or by choosing "Billing" from the Settings menu . Click on the slider next to "Your membership auto renewal is ON". You will be asked to confirm your choice: click "Confirm". Your automatic renewal will now be switched off for the current membership period. You can change this option back to "On" at any time. If you have subscribed via Google Play or Apple, you will be need to manage your subscription via Play Store or App Store.
To ensure your choice is processed correctly by our system, we recommend you make any changes to your auto-renew settings at least 48 hours before your membership is due to expire.
If this option is not visible in your Membership Settings, auto-renewal is not available for your current membership. Your membership will NOT be auto-renewed.